Care Home Activities & Entertainment

Activities & Entertainment

Ongoing activity programmes

It is the home’s policy to provide an on going activity programme.

It is your choice whether you wish to take part. We encourage ideas & input from residents and relatives when planning activities, entertainment & outings. 

During the week we offer a wide range of activities to suit all interests. We have a dedicated activities co-ordinator to work with small groups or on a one to one basis.
Daily activities may also include:
  • Going for walks
  • Manicure and Hairdressing
  • Playing games
  • Armchair exercises to music
  • Reminiscence therapy
  • Reading
  • Music and singalongs
  • Enjoying the garden
  • Feeding the birds.
Some other activities may also be included:
  • We have numerous entertainers visiting throughout the year. A buffet tea and wine may be provided on occasions for residents, relatives and friends. This is an informal event and proves most popular with everyone.
  • Garden Parties are held with stalls and tombola and are usually well supported.
  • Out door barbeque.
  • We have a choir twice a week and choir in Church service on the last Sunday of every month.
  • Birthday parties, residents’ Christmas parties to which residents invite their family and friends.
  • All residents will have the opportunity to join the outings arranged according to preference. Regular trips out are organised with residents’ input of choice. A minibus is organised to take trips to venues such as the Lakes, Lytham, Southport and Illuminations. Residents’ families will be given a list of dates and venues of intended trips. All trips are subject to popular demand. Picnics may be taken or we may visit a teashop. All residents are encouraged to join these outings but their choice of not going will be respected.
Activities & Entertainment


Tracey, the mobile hairdresser for both Ladies and Gentlemen, visits Highcliffe every week. All residents can have their hair done in comfort of their own surroundings. This is additional cost and the prices are:
  • Trim (male) 
  • Blow wave 
  • Shampoo & set 
  • Cut & shampoo 
  • Perm 
Price list available on request.